How to get to Odaiba |
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Statue of Liberty at Odaiba (Rainbow bridge in background) |
We left early in the morning, around 9:00 am. When we got to Odaiba, we were greeted by this unusual silence. The air was kind of cold that day, and I could count the number of people around us, which was very unusual for Japan. Nevertheless, we started walking toward Diver City, and I snapped a picture of Fuji TV building on my way there. "I feel like the zombie apocalypse has started, and we're just waiting to find out" I said jokingly.
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Fuji TV |
Diver City was equally quiet, and we shopped around with ease. Came out the front door and saw the huge Gundam statue, with a bunch of students gathered around taking selfies.
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Live Size Gundam @ Diver City |
We had only 2 goals: 1. Joypolis & 2. Toyota Megaweb. So we continued down the road to Venus Fort (where Toyota Megaweb was). Unfortunately they were closed that day, so we figured we had to come back another time. Circling back towards Decks, we decided to check out Joypolis next. We had heard about all the rides/games at Joypolis and were super excited to try them. Both of us bought a full day pass (a whopping ¥ 4,300 each!) and headed in. Little did we know, that we were beyond the suitable age for these rides, and it was game over after 20 minutes.
It was the Transformer game that really got to us. You're strapped in seats that spins 360 degrees imitating a fight in the air with another transformer (I'm getting dizzy just recalling it), and you had to try and shoot the other opponent while being thrown around in the machine. We both stepped out hearts pounding, sweat dripping. I went to the bathroom immediately and puked all my breakfast back up, next thing you know, we practically escaped out the side door and laid on the bench in the foyer for the next hour.
A few more bathroom visits and a very long seated meditation-esque break later, we made our way back to Diver City to try and get some food in our stomach before getting on a moving train again so we could get home.
2 days later, we're back again, giving this cursed island it's second try. With much better planning, we successfully test drove all the cars we want to and tried out all the cars at the show room. The "Ride One" section of the facility has a 1.3 km out door track and hundreds of cars available for test drive, all at only ¥300 per ride. They also had some of their famous race cars and concept cars on display.
I'm glad we were able to check everything on our bucket list off, but if I was given the chance again, I probably wouldn't go back to Odaiba again. Well ok, maybe Diver City, but that's it! Funny thing is, though it was one of the shittier days we had on our trip, it has become one of the most memorable experiences we've had. We still talk about it from time to time, and always get a good laugh out of it.
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