
Sunday, 31 May 2020

How Yoga Helped Me During the Pandemic

As some of you might know, I completed my first 200 hours yoga teacher training 5 months ago. It was an incredible journey, and I learned so much more during my training than just bendy poses.

Recently my yoga teachers asked me to share how and what yoga has taught me about dealing with a pandemic, and although mine wasn't specifically about the pandemic, it was about my life during the pandemic. Here's what I wrote.


Life wasn’t super easy these past few months. We experienced a mass layoff at my organization. Everyone’s nervous systems were already in overdrive going into February.

I was given a new role and jumped right into the deep end. The learning curve was daunting, and before anyone had a chance to figure anything out, there came Covid. Not only were we working with new roles/responsibilities with fewer people, we now had to do them remotely. What once was the deep end of the pool, now seemed like the deep end of the ocean.

Yoga helped, beyond asanas. I could hear the words of my teachers, reminding me of the things I learned during yoga teacher training:

  • They reminded me that it’s ok to grieve the loss of my colleagues, to know that they will now struggle a little more and that it’s ok to feel the hurt and pain with them. 
  • They reminded me that I have a duty to lift people up, to lead the change and be the example I wish others would be for me. 
  • They reminded me that imperfection or even failure is ok, because I am intrinsically worthy and valuable even if I’m currently stumbling every other step I take.

It took more courage than I could muster, but I leapt, and life embraced me.

By being vulnerable, I felt more connected than ever. Acknowledging the pain helped my colleagues heal, and many of them are now in a better position than before. Too many things were out of control, so I simply had to let go of control. There were too many stressors, so I simply had to just stop being stressed. I learned that instead of changing the external world, changing my internal state was a much more direct path to peace.

It's been a couple months now, and I have a profound gratitude for everything I’ve lost but also everything I still have. This pandemic showed me that we are all human, flawed, and equal, and yoga taught me how to be a little more forgiving of myself and others.


To my teachers: Thank you for all the wisdom and knowledge that you shared, thank you for loving us with your whole heart, and thank you for showing us that success can be built on integrity and the purest intention to serve. My practice was and continue to be enhanced by the foundation you've built for us, I think about you often, and you will forever have a special place in my heart.

Inspired Yoga Institute: or @inspiredyogainstitute on Instagram

Connect with me through Instagram:

  • @joyliuyyc - Joy's photography collection
  • @joyliuyoga - Joy's yoga journey
  • @inasplitsecondtravel - Joy's travel adventures